Saturday, March 14, 2009


One of my friends wrote about time being unnaturally part of our lives. This causes it to affect us negatively, aging us and slowly killing us. If it were natural, we would be like fish in water.

I responded..

There was a beautiful thought that said that life was all the more beautiful because of the slipping away of time.

We that are ravaged by aging and chased by our own mortality are envied by the angels.

With the pressing thought of one day dying we are able to see colors all the more vibrant. Experience joys to the full extent because one day we will never be able to experience it again.

. . .

If we ignored heaven and we were only given what we have here on earth, would we appreciate life more?

ps if we could infinitely do something later we probably would...

ill pay you back next century.. geezz relax.. you act as if you are going to die or somthing!

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